Monday, December 22, 2008

Days til Santa: 3.0

Anyway, this is the first time since October that I've been able to write and I apologize. Life has been crazy and only now have I had a chance to finally settle down. On a random note, today is my half birthday. I have exactly 6 months until I am 22. Weird. In the last 6 months, I have written way too many papers, gained a boyfriend, gain an internship and realized that I have no idea what I will be doing in the next 6 months. Nearly all of my friends are engaged or married now and I'm feeling slightly older with every reception. Graduation is within sight and the fact that I will have a degree under my belt soon, seems weird. The fact that having a job nowadays is so important and that eventually I'll be on my own and that I'll need to get one (that pays) perhaps sooner than I expected, scares me slightly, but it is also making me realize that I can't do this on my own, which in turn makes me thankful for my friends and family and that I have people I can rely on.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Because it has been so long since I last wrote, here is a list of everything that has happened in the last 2 months.

- I got an internship at the Museum of American History in their Archives for this upcoming semester.
- I'm now dating an amazing guy.
- I'm 14 credits closer to graduating.
- I applied to graduate school finally!

So, that is pretty much everything. So in light of the season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life: I wish I had one...

So as you can see, life has not gotten any less hectic since getting my applications off. Only things that I suppressed as being less than VERY IMPORTANT have filled up that space. I now have two papers due this week. One for tomorrow and one for Friday... Aiyo! I'm still working on my APAP proposal as well as trying to figure out time for everything else that is seeking my attention. Needless to say, I am running on a high level of stress which isn't very healthy. But in an attempt to lower said level of stress and to keep those reading, updated (Sound of crickets chirping)...
Here is a list of stuff I deem important:

I gained 1.4lbs last week. Ugh. It's the stress. I know. I need to get back on the bandwagon and meditate more. When I find time...

Spencer comes home in 4 weeks. Wow. Time flies by so fast. I seriously can't wait to see him. Two months, baby!

GRE in two weeks...need to study... when I find time...

That's about it for now. Signing out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Frantic - In a word, the last two weeks...

So I haven't written in the last two weeks, but I have an excuse! As the title notes, my life has been frantic for the last two weeks.

A nutshell list of the last two weeks:
School - My regular classes with crazy teachers, bizarre philosophers and the usual randomness that is my life.

Creative Writing Conference - A lot of fun, but very time consuming. I especially enjoyed getting my story critiqued by a professional writer.

Work - The Usual, finding articles, doing archival stuff, etc.

Internship Application - I have been given the opportunity to intern at the Smithsonian or at the National Archives next semester in Washington DC. Let the squeals of joy commence! But before I do, there are the various applications that must be sent out by next week.

Graduate School Prep - This is part of the cause of my nervous breakdown two weeks ago. Statements of Purpose, applications, teachers to review, little to no classroom experience in the field I'm going into... I just have to take it a bit at a time...

Phi Alpha Theta - I'm the president, therefore I am in charge. Lots of fun, but what did I get myself into???

Nervous Breakdown - Fun little episode a couple of weeks ago in which I questioned both: whether I will get into graduate school and whether I want to right now... Involved the canceling and reapplying of a GRE, a simmering annoyance at ETS and too many tears, a nasty headache and mounds of chocolate. However the silver lining on this cloud is that I learned how many friends I have in Relief Society and that I don't have to deal with my bad times all by myself.

Graduation Papers - Due by the 15th of October, I had these finished by September 30th, but gaining all the signatures that I need was like playing a wild goose chase.

With all of this happening, I haven't even had time to post weight. But in the past two weeks, I've gain .4 lbs. Highly annoying but I am hoping to actually lose this week, as I've been drinking more water.

Anyway, hopefully things will be slowing down now. *Sigh* (Hears the maniacal laughter of Fate in the background...)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Because Everybody Wants You

Ok, so I am listening to SheDaisy right now and I can't come up with a decent blog title... Life has been pretty busy, making me crave playing the Sims 2 and writing stories when I should be writing a thesis paper and reading articles for school. Anyway, in spite of everything, here is my weekly weigh-in.

My Weight: 184.6 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 9.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I gained. I'm not too upset, I've been lacking in the whole drinking water department and eating too much homemade fudge... Back to basics. Hopefully next week will be better!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 26.6 lbs to lose.)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One Person, One Chance, Who?

So I just read my friend Heather's latest blog post and as I was reading, I was inspired. I usually don't copy what other people have posted for my own blog (actually I never have) but this was a fascinating topic. One in which I love to think about.
So here is the link to her blog, it is fascinating:

And now, I will list those people who I would love to meet, whether they be dead or alive, real or unreal:

Yes, I know that this is the Westernized version of his name, but he has always fascinated me since I began playing Age of Empires. He is one of the few Muslims during the Crusades who actually tried for peace between those of his own faith and Christians.

Elizabeth I
She has an era named after her. It was a time of wonderful English literature. She ruled as a woman in a man's world. She officially rocks in my book.

William Shakespeare
Great plays, cool sonnets, mysterious life. What more could one want? I would love to see where he got his ideas from and see if he actually did write the plays that are accredited to him.

Chairman Mao
Sure, he may try to kill me for being an American, but what in a person's life would cause them to eventually cause the mass murder of 30 million+ of their fellow countrymen and set the country back technologically for decades?

Madeleine L'Engle
I've always loved her books. I'd love to pick her brain for how she came up with so many cool fantasy settings.

That's as many as I can think of right now, but I will probably add more in the future. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another week passes me by...

I have to go up to BrianHead Ski Resort this weekend for a mandatory activity, so my weight post and weekly review will be early this week.
First, weight:
My Weight: 182.8 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 11.6 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I actually lost this week! Considered how I weighed in the evening, instead of in the morning like I usually do, I am surprised and happy. This means that I probably lost more than the scale measured as weight can fluctuate between morning and evening. Also, the Weight Watchers I go to is doing this new thing in which for every pound I lose between a certain period of time, 25 cents goes to feed starving kids in... St. George. So basically every pound of food that I don't eat, is a pound of food that starving kids in St. George get to eat. Considering this, I have a feeling that I will be losing a good chunk of weight during the next few weeks - all for the starving kids of St. George!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 24.8 lbs to lose.)

In other news, another week has passed. It's crazy. 14 more weeks until the semester is over! That's just... that's just crazy!
Seriously, though, I can't believe it is Friday (and of course I've haven't done my homework for my classes today, at least for my Non-Western Lit class.) I get to go up to Brian Head Ski Resort and mingle with other people involved in the political system of SUU... Can't you feel my excitement??? ;)
So this week has gone pretty well, but then again it was a 4 day week, so that was nice. Also, I've decided to take up martial arts again. This may be short lived or it may end up lasting. But it did feel nice to be able to stretch my body again and work up a good sweat.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekly Weight Post...

My Weight: 183.6 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 10.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I gained weight this week, but it wasn't too bad. I expected a worse reading because of school starting and everything. So I continue to persevere.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 25.6 lbs to lose.)

Also, a brief mention of note: After hearing about and reading the news about Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer, I have a question: Would you rather have to fight the Volturi as a human alone OR be found out as the person who leaked Midnight Sun and have to face a horde of Twilight fangirls?

Personally, I think I would have a better chance of surviving the Volturi... but if anyone is reading this, respond. I'm curious.

Friday, August 29, 2008

One Week Down; 15 To Go!

So I have survived my first week of school. Despite crazy teachers, weird computer problems and finding out I have to run from the Institute Building to the Science Building (all uphill) in less than 10 minutes, I have survived the first week of my last year as an undergrad...

So now, I am in the school library, waiting for the bus and writing up another blog. I know I wrote one yesterday, but alas, some pretty cool stuff worth mentioning has popped up in the last 24hours.

First of all, I got a chance to *finally* see a Shakespearean play yesterday. My friend, Heather, had an extra ticket to School of Wives by Moliere and so I got an opportunity to go see it. It was hilarious and well worth my time. I don't know when the run ends, but if anyone gets the chance to see it, I highly recommend it. FYI: Moliere tends to use the word 'whore' a lot in this play, so if you are offended by that, just letting you know.

Also, for anyone who had read my post yesterday, you saw that I wasn't having the greatest day of my life. Yet, last night, I got a letter from my friend in San Diego that was well needed. Yea for tender mercies. :)

As for today, classes were good, I enjoyed my Non Western Lit class; we are reading about Indian Literature right now and it is actually very delightful. Critical Theory is fun too, which is a surprise, but I couldn't concentrate, more story ideas have been swirling in my head today. Anyway, that's about it. I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend coming up. It'll be nice.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Blogific Life

So I'm trying to be more of a blogger. I plan on putting more of my life stuff out on this blog, not just weight loss. This will include stuff from the day, thought, nuances, musings on school, etc. and hopefully stuff on writing.

Today, for example, was a pretty good day until the end. I, at this point, am highly annoyed at a certain teacher (who will remain nameless, as I know that the intensity of these feelings will flicker out as time passes) because I was hoping to take this certain class and I wasn't able to. While I am completely fine with this, the attitude that sat upon this conversation, in my opinion, was great condescension; which, as anyone who knows me, chaffs like a nail being pulled from its bed. There is a part of me that would love to scream and rant and rave at this kind of attitude (as I am finding to be very common of late), but I will not. I will humbly submit for now, because patience is key in life when dealing with situations like these. Alas, I digress.

As for the rest, the day has been pretty fun. I am learning to write haikus right now and they look to be interesting. Also, this upcoming weekend is a three day weekend (yea, Labor Day!) and I look forward to *maybe* going to Mammoth Caves on Monday with a bunch of friends.

Ok, now writing stuff: Um, I have a few ideas for stories, but I've been told that they may be seen as pulpy. As in pulp fiction... I don't know, as I have never read 'pulp fiction'. All I know is that I am having an affinity for time-travel stories at this point. Like last April, I had an affinity for vampire stories and for a while I had an affinity for stuff taking place in the 1920s. Anyway, I will continue writing, because as blasphemous as this may seem to the writing world, my life does not hinge on whether or not my stories get published. They may or they may not. I would love for them to be published, but it isn't a live or die situation.

That's about it for now. Hopefully I will post in a few days. Until then...

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School - Fall 2008

So I hate Internet Explorer right now and how it is making my blogging difficult. However, I will persevere. So anyway, first up, my weekly weigh in (belated of course!):

My Weight: 182.4 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 11.6 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I'm proud that I lost more weight last week. Another step towards more healthier living and I'm feeling better as I write. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue. I have the temptation of chocolate in my room, but tomorrow it will be all gone as I will be giving it away at SUU's Club Fair.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 24.4 lbs to lose.)
I can do it! I can do it!

All right, so I guess that I should talk about something more than just my weight... I started school today. This will be my last Fall semester as an undergraduate and I am psyched! I love school and I've been waiting all summer for school to start again. I'm taking 4 English classes this semester (what was I thinking???) as well as 2 Institute classes outside of my college schedule. One of which is Preparing For Eternal Marriage...(lady screams in horror) (Now really, What WAS I thinking???) Actually, to my surprise, this isn't a class about teaching women how to kowtow to their future spouses and encouraging them to get married at the ripe old age of 18. Now I've crashed this class before, so I know that the teacher recommends women getting as much education as possible (cheers and applause), but when he stated that people dating and in a relationship should take their time before getting married, my jaw dropped, in joy. My parents have always encouraged me to get my education, i.e. my doctorate, or be well into graduate school before I even think of getting married. This is completely fine with me. (The only annoying part is when my mother tells me that I shouldn't date a certain friend of mine who is returning from his mission soon - because I haven't dated enough....) But yes, I am thinking that this will be an interesting class.
Other than that, I will make brief mention of aforementioned missionary. I got another letter from him today, which made my day. It was a short letter, but still there was a lot in it, at least I felt so. He comes home 11 weeks from today. He is doing well which is good, just dealing with the home stretch of these last few months.
Ok, I feel I need to confess something; perhaps this is just me, but during the last few weeks, I've been meandering around 'waiting for a missionary' sites. (I finally admitted to him in May that I liked him as more than a friend..., before that I was more than happy for him to think that I was just writing as a friend, which was because I was.) I know that I am VERY reticent in expressing my feelings out loud for people. I am NOT the type of girl who draws her first name and his last name together or mentions that that particular person is the love of their life. Even if they are. I've had some pretty rough relationships in the past where I have been that kind of person and I got ripped to shreds by the person I cared for. Those experiences have made me intensely wary of professing my love for someone of the opposite sex, unless I am secure in those feelings and in knowing that I WON'T be ripped to shreds for feeling that way. Now, for how this relates to 'waiting for a missionary' sites. I enjoy being a 'ghost' of sorts on sites like these, reading how other people feel and at rare times, feeling impelled to share my 2 cents. As much as I love these particular sites, sometimes I wonder if I truly belong to any of them. I am not a girl who dedicates a blog to her love and angst for a certain person. I am not setting wedding dates or naming children (unless they are in a story of mine) or relating how close I am to my missionary's family. Now, if there should be anyone who is offended by this, let me say this: If you do any of these things, I am not criticizing you. If you truly feel that way about your missionary, that is wonderful and I wish the best for the two of you. I am just writing out my feelings about the whole subject and how I relate. Anyway, if anyone has actually read this, thank you, I think. It feels good to let this out, even if no one reads it, and maybe it is better that way?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just Another 'Oh Wow' Moment...

So this week has been busy and I am very grateful that it is the weekend. I have finally moved into my new room and as I write, I am in the midst of decorating and putting stuff up. Anyway, today is my weight blog day, so here we go:

My weight:183.2
How Much I've lost so far: 10.8 lbs.
Anything else that is important: No, my weight isn't a typo. I seriously lost 7.8 lbs this week. It's kinda funny that just in my last post, I put that I can't lose 10 lbs over a summer, and then I do... Now for anyone who is reading this (sound of silence and crickets chirping) I DID eat this week. Part of this massive lost is the 3.6 lbs that I gained last time, but that still leaves 4.2 lbs that I lost above and beyond that. Anyway, I've been losing and gaining weight long enough to know that this is a RARE event and I don't plan on losing this much every week. That would be worrisome. But I now think that I will be able to reach my 10% goal before I go home for Christmas. (For a while I was worried that I'd even be able to lose that.) So maybe, just maybe, I can do this!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 25.2 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing catch up

It's been a long time since I last wrote as I've been on vacation and only recently got back. Enjoyable, but I am glad to be back and I'm excited for school to start in a week and a half! Anyway, first things first: My weight from last I check:
My weight:191
How Much I've lost so far: 3 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I gained 3.6 this week. I will admit, I am deeply frustrated by the fact that I can't even lose 10 lbs over a summer... While I will admit that the high gain was based off of two factors; (my period starting that day and weighing in later in the day, both of which, on their own can make me gain 1 to 2 lbs.) I am still mad at myself... grrr.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 33 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Thankfully, no sidetracks are anticipated this week, but I plan on drinking a lot more water (part of the reason I am having a hard time losing weight) and working out more.

Other than that, life has been pretty good. I'm waiting at this point to moved into my roommate's old room (she got married) and I'm starting to get my textbooks which is nice. As much as I love summer, after about 4 months, I need school.

Anyway, I hope to have a better post on Saturday... wish me luck!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weight Loss Post for July 26th, 2008

My weight:187.4
How Much I've lost so far: 6.6 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I lost 1.6 lbs this week. I am very happy on this account, but the rest of my day has been a bummer, mostly for non related reasons. I didn't reach my goal of 185 by July 30th, but I've still lost plenty so far, so I will continue.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 29.4 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another week, another blog...

So I was supposed to put up my weight loss on last Friday. However, life decided to give me a detour and I haven't been able to post until today. So here are my stats for last Friday.

My weight:189
How Much I've lost so far: 5 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I gained 1.4 lbs this week. Part of it is that I weighed in the evening, instead of immediately before breakfast. Also, I wore heavier clothes than usual and I am gaining more muscle. Regardless, I continue to persevere.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 31 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: I had trips to SLC and St. George, but I was able to survive those without going over board. However, I also have a 4 day weekend ahead....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yea for computer problems!!!

So I was supposed to put this up on Saturday. Unfortunately, my computer wasn't working that day and I had to solve the case of the mysteriously vanishing laptop power cord. So, while it is belated, here are my weight loss stats.

My weight:187.6
How Much I've lost so far: 6.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I lost 2.4 lbs this week!!! That is the biggest loss I've had so far! I am also continuing to bike to and from work and in general avoid using my car to get around except for once or twice a week.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 29.6 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: Nothing really. Only boredom and the random amazing meal that my friends sometimes like to cook up.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

On My Way!!!

So today's post is my weekly weight loss post and after last week's disappointing gain... I am happy to announce I have reached a new low! (Pun intended.) Seriously though, I lost exactly .8 lbs this week. Which, while that doesn't seem like a lot in and of itself, it means that I am heading in the right direction. And with that, here are my stats:

My weight:190.0
How Much I've lost so far: 4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I am continuing to bike to and from work and in general avoid using my car to get around except for once or twice a week. I've also fallen in love with my wok and with that, stir fry. Yummy, yummy vegetables!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 32 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: Nothing really. If anything, it would be my dreaded enemy, BOREDOM, but I have plenty of ways to avoid that.

Another note: I just recently talked to the family in RVA and my dad and I made this goal. I will be traveling up to Portland, Oregon in 3 weeks. (My family is heading there for a reunion of people with children adopted from the orphanage in Yangchun, China and its cheaper for me to go to Oregon than to Virginia right now.) I am going to try and lose 5 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm excited and if I work really hard, I know I can do it!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, America... tomorrow!

So I figured I should write at least one other blog this week other than my weight loss blog post (that I will post Saturday). So, in light of the 232nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, I thought I'd write. Because, hey, without it, we would never have fought for our independence, never written the Constitution and never would have been a prototype nation for democratic republicanism. (I find it funny how ideally the words Democratic and Republican are put together to describe what our government is supposed to be, working together, not stabbing each other in the back. Alas, I digress.)
As for the topic of the Constitution, without it, I might not be able to write this without fear for my life. (Although not technically in the Constitution, the right to the freedom of expression is one of the first Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Yeah for Bill of Rights!)

In another totally unrelated topic, when I remembered what day today was (July 3rd), it reminded of something that happen exactly a year ago. It was exactly one year ago that I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder and found out that I'd have to deal with this for the rest of my life. While it may not seem freeing, in a sense, it is. Because when you know what illnesses or disorders you have, you are better able to cope with them. Knowledge is power and now that I know, I can fit my life so that I can do everything I want to do without worrying that something mysterious is plaguing my life. Also, in another sense, learning about my disorder was freeing because I realized that I shouldn't always be worrying about what if, that I need to live my live to the fullest. So far I have been doing that. I've lived in China, I've built houses in Tacoma, I'm going to my very first writer's conference, I'm working on preparing for graduate school and I've been planning a trip to Europe for next summer where I plan on weaving my way through Europe in about 2 weeks.

Anyway, that's about it for now and for me. I hope everyone (or anyone) who reads this, will have a happy and safe 4th of July!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28th, 2008 - A day to remember!

Not really, but I'm rushing to create this post before the library closes in 10 minutes. Ready, Set, Go!

My weight:190.8
How Much I've lost so far: 3.2 lbs.
Anything else that is important: ... I've started biking to work now. Curse you, $4.00 gas!!!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 32.8 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: 4th of July is Friday. Whoopee! (Sarcasm intended.) I plan on doing nothing. So maybe I won't have the usual temptation that I do during holidays.

In summary, I am beginning to be annoyed at myself on this front. I've done WeightWatchers for 7 weeks now and I've lost 3.2 lbs. (Mostly because of the chaos factor.) But I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever get to 158 by December.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

21 and Loving it... I Think.

So today is my birthday. Woot! Woot! As the title suggests, I am turning 21 today. And no, I'm not going to get drunk to celebrate it as so many people do. I'm hoping to go to Chinatown and maybe buy new clothes (consignment store), and on the off chance, I end up having time left over before I have to go back home, I'm going to see if I can get my hair dyed black and maybe have a wild red streak down the side. (See, that's me getting wild.) Even if I don't get it done today, I will probably at one point or another dye my hair black or auburn. My hair naturally highlights red instead of blonde, so I could get away with auburn tresses. Also, my mother's hair is naturally black. So I have the genetic composition to technically have black hair. Anyway, I digress.
The main thing is that today is my birthday and I plan on enjoying it!

Friday, June 20, 2008

So far, so good!

As I promised myself, I am going to put up my stats, as concerning my weight loss.

My weight:190.6
How Much I've lost so far: 3.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I've been drinking a lot more liquids, particularly water and fruit juice ( but not the sugared up versions).
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 32.6 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Considering how it is my birthday on Sunday, I'm actually not expecting to eat birthday cake. If I eat something sweet, it will be ice cream, really decadent ice cream, but what I am looking forward to is eating sushi. I've decided that sushi will be my 'birthday dinner'. Mmmm, I'm looking forward to it already!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another Day...

Just a few tidbits today...
I just found a cool new group called Mercy River. I highly recommend them.

I'm in the middle of losing a bunch of weight so that I can feel healthy and be healthy. (More on that later...) Last night, as I woke up freezing to death, (the air vent is right above my head and whoever messed with the AC/Heat thingie in our apartment turned it to Fan and Cold) I got a brilliant idea: As an added incentive to lose weight, I will list every Friday or Saturday my latest weight. I will also tell my friends to read my blog and at least leave a comment saying they were here. That way, I am doubly responsible. (Both to the meetings I go to and also to my friends.) That's what has helped me in the past, so I'll try it again. Now usually ideas I get at 2am don't work out too well, but this one sounds logical. So I'm going for it.

So here is the deal:
I will put up my weight: (So far) 191.2
How Much I've lost so far: 2.8 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I had my period this week and I have been more thirsty and less hungry than usual this week, so I am hoping I've lost some weight.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 33.2 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: MY BIRTHDAY!!! I will be going down to Las Vegas this weekend for it and I tend to eat decadently when I am in Las Vegas.

Is everyone with me??? I hope so!

Now I will return to one of the most important reasons why I want to lose weight. It isn't because I feel ugly being at the weight I am at. (Though I do have my moments.) It isn't to be like everyone else. (I've come to the realization that I will never be like everyone else. And I am completely fine with that. I love being different. In a good way.)

The MAJOR reason for me so desperately wanting to lose weight is my family's health history. Especially on my mother's side. (Love her.)
My maternal grandmother died of heart failure, she weighed several hundred pounds when she died.
My maternal grandfather died at the ripe old age of 43 of a heart attack.
My mother's oldest brother just recently died of a heart attack. He weighed roughly 700 lbs.

This is the kind of health history I have. This is why being overweight terrifies me inside. I may joke about it or be light-hearted, but I am absolutely terrified of one day being massively overweight, my life restricted. I know how easy it is for me to gain weight and how I really have to try to lose weight.
Thankfully there is one blessing, one silver lining: I can hold my weight at a good level without much trying. It is only after I let go for a while that I start to gain again.
Now that I have that knowledge, I plan on implementing it once I reach my goal weight. I also plan on implementing more healthy habits into my life now that I am more knowledgeable about my body and what I can and can't do with it.

So I refuse to give in. I refuse to feel out of control anymore concerning my weight and I refuse to be limited in my life by it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Writer's Soul

So today, I think I've forgotten my flash drives. The ones with my stories on them that I am writing. I always thought that I was only a part time writer. I mean, I work full time during the summer and I work part time and go to school full time during the school year, so writing isn't my main thing a lot of the time. Yet today, I've forgotten to bring my flash drives and am thus rendered unable to write until I go back home. In light of that news, I have realized that I feel incomplete without my ability to write my stories as soon as they finish gestating in my mind. *Sighs* I guess that's a sign then that I'm a full fledged writer or close to becoming one, huh?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blog posting Number 1 - Let's see how long this lasts!

My very first blog. They never really appealed to me because usually blog sites are host to drama addicted teenagers angst ridden and life hating... I am none of these, I am not a drama addict, (At least I try.) I am not a teenager, (Woot! for being 21 in 6 days), I am not angst ridden, (I actually enjoy being happy. Scary, I know.) and I am not life hating. (In fact, I enjoy it very much.)
Yet, I stumbled upon Blogspot and it seems reputable! So I join and I write and all is well in my life. :)
Now my real reason for writing here is because I have lost my journal. (Ok, so it isn't lost, just 2000 miles away in Virginia... I think. Or it could be in my room under mounds and mounds of books, like most everything else is.) ANYWAY, I need a place to write down my feelings, my activities and my life, until I can find my journal again. So here I am at Blogspot.
Hmmm, well now I guess I should start journaling or blogging or jourlogging? Actually that sounds cool. Now I begin my jourlogging adventure!

So last weekend was amazing both in general and spiritually. I am LDS, also known as the Mormons, as so I got the chance to go to the temple on Saturday and do baptisms for the dead. I always love going to the temple and Saturday was no different. The closest temple to where I live is the Saint George Temple. So I went with about 10 other people to the temple and I and 2 others did baptisms. Afterwards, we went to the Visitors' Center and on display there, are these statues of Christ by a LDS artist, Angela Johnson. This is the second time that I've seen them and honestly, every time, I feel the Spirit. The sculptures are of Jesus Christ and are of different scenes. The whole display is called the Healing Power of Christ. Anyway, I recommend anyone, LDS or not to go see it. Right now it is in Saint George, but it is supposed to go to Oakland, California next. Anyway, the sculpture are also online at this artist's website, I believe. So if you can't go, then Google her name and check them out.
Another thing that was totally awesome was the fact that I now have another jump start in my quest to learn Mandarin Chinese. It seems that several guys I know in my Stake have gone to a Mandarin speaking mission, and one of them let me borrow some of the study aids that he had that help him learn the language. So I'm totally and utterly jazzed about that. A similar experience happened about 2 years ago and I didn't have a chance to use it fully. So this time, I'm going to try my hardest to get the most that I can out of this opportunity.