My very first blog. They never really appealed to me because usually blog sites are host to drama addicted teenagers angst ridden and life hating... I am none of these, I am not a drama addict, (At least I try.) I am not a teenager, (Woot! for being 21 in 6 days), I am not angst ridden, (I actually enjoy being happy. Scary, I know.) and I am not life hating. (In fact, I enjoy it very much.)
Yet, I stumbled upon Blogspot and it seems reputable! So I join and I write and all is well in my life. :)
Now my real reason for writing here is because I have lost my journal. (Ok, so it isn't lost, just 2000 miles away in Virginia... I think. Or it could be in my room under mounds and mounds of books, like most everything else is.) ANYWAY, I need a place to write down my feelings, my activities and my life, until I can find my journal again. So here I am at Blogspot.
Hmmm, well now I guess I should start journaling or blogging or jourlogging? Actually that sounds cool. Now I begin my jourlogging adventure!
So last weekend was amazing both in general and spiritually. I am LDS, also known as the Mormons, as so I got the chance to go to the temple on Saturday and do baptisms for the dead. I always love going to the temple and Saturday was no different. The closest temple to where I live is the Saint George Temple. So I went with about 10 other people to the temple and I and 2 others did baptisms. Afterwards, we went to the Visitors' Center and on display there, are these statues of Christ by a LDS artist, Angela Johnson. This is the second time that I've seen them and honestly, every time, I feel the Spirit. The sculptures are of Jesus Christ and are of different scenes. The whole display is called the Healing Power of Christ. Anyway, I recommend anyone, LDS or not to go see it. Right now it is in Saint George, but it is supposed to go to Oakland, California next. Anyway, the sculpture are also online at this artist's website, I believe. So if you can't go, then Google her name and check them out.
Another thing that was totally awesome was the fact that I now have another jump start in my quest to learn Mandarin Chinese. It seems that several guys I know in my Stake have gone to a Mandarin speaking mission, and one of them let me borrow some of the study aids that he had that help him learn the language. So I'm totally and utterly jazzed about that. A similar experience happened about 2 years ago and I didn't have a chance to use it fully. So this time, I'm going to try my hardest to get the most that I can out of this opportunity.
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago
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