So I hate Internet Explorer right now and how it is making my blogging difficult. However, I will persevere. So anyway, first up, my weekly weigh in (belated of course!):
My Weight: 182.4 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 11.6 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I'm proud that I lost more weight last week. Another step towards more healthier living and I'm feeling better as I write. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue. I have the temptation of chocolate in my room, but tomorrow it will be all gone as I will be giving it away at SUU's Club Fair.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 24.4 lbs to lose.)
I can do it! I can do it!
All right, so I guess that I should talk about something more than just my weight... I started school today. This will be my last Fall semester as an undergraduate and I am psyched! I love school and I've been waiting all summer for school to start again. I'm taking 4 English classes this semester (what was I thinking???) as well as 2 Institute classes outside of my college schedule. One of which is Preparing For Eternal Marriage...(lady screams in horror) (Now really, What WAS I thinking???) Actually, to my surprise, this isn't a class about teaching women how to kowtow to their future spouses and encouraging them to get married at the ripe old age of 18. Now I've crashed this class before, so I know that the teacher recommends women getting as much education as possible (cheers and applause), but when he stated that people dating and in a relationship should take their time before getting married, my jaw dropped, in joy. My parents have always encouraged me to get my education, i.e. my doctorate, or be well into graduate school before I even think of getting married. This is completely fine with me. (The only annoying part is when my mother tells me that I shouldn't date a certain friend of mine who is returning from his mission soon - because I haven't dated enough....) But yes, I am thinking that this will be an interesting class.
Other than that, I will make brief mention of aforementioned missionary. I got another letter from him today, which made my day. It was a short letter, but still there was a lot in it, at least I felt so. He comes home 11 weeks from today. He is doing well which is good, just dealing with the home stretch of these last few months.
Ok, I feel I need to confess something; perhaps this is just me, but during the last few weeks, I've been meandering around 'waiting for a missionary' sites. (I finally admitted to him in May that I liked him as more than a friend..., before that I was more than happy for him to think that I was just writing as a friend, which was because I was.) I know that I am VERY reticent in expressing my feelings out loud for people. I am NOT the type of girl who draws her first name and his last name together or mentions that that particular person is the love of their life. Even if they are. I've had some pretty rough relationships in the past where I have been that kind of person and I got ripped to shreds by the person I cared for. Those experiences have made me intensely wary of professing my love for someone of the opposite sex, unless I am secure in those feelings and in knowing that I WON'T be ripped to shreds for feeling that way. Now, for how this relates to 'waiting for a missionary' sites. I enjoy being a 'ghost' of sorts on sites like these, reading how other people feel and at rare times, feeling impelled to share my 2 cents. As much as I love these particular sites, sometimes I wonder if I truly belong to any of them. I am not a girl who dedicates a blog to her love and angst for a certain person. I am not setting wedding dates or naming children (unless they are in a story of mine) or relating how close I am to my missionary's family. Now, if there should be anyone who is offended by this, let me say this: If you do any of these things, I am not criticizing you. If you truly feel that way about your missionary, that is wonderful and I wish the best for the two of you. I am just writing out my feelings about the whole subject and how I relate. Anyway, if anyone has actually read this, thank you, I think. It feels good to let this out, even if no one reads it, and maybe it is better that way?
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago
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