So I haven't written in the last two weeks, but I have an excuse! As the title notes, my life has been frantic for the last two weeks.
A nutshell list of the last two weeks:
School - My regular classes with crazy teachers, bizarre philosophers and the usual randomness that is my life.
Creative Writing Conference - A lot of fun, but very time consuming. I especially enjoyed getting my story critiqued by a professional writer.
Work - The Usual, finding articles, doing archival stuff, etc.
Internship Application - I have been given the opportunity to intern at the Smithsonian or at the National Archives next semester in Washington DC. Let the squeals of joy commence! But before I do, there are the various applications that must be sent out by next week.
Graduate School Prep - This is part of the cause of my nervous breakdown two weeks ago. Statements of Purpose, applications, teachers to review, little to no classroom experience in the field I'm going into... I just have to take it a bit at a time...
Phi Alpha Theta - I'm the president, therefore I am in charge. Lots of fun, but what did I get myself into???
Nervous Breakdown - Fun little episode a couple of weeks ago in which I questioned both: whether I will get into graduate school and whether I want to right now... Involved the canceling and reapplying of a GRE, a simmering annoyance at ETS and too many tears, a nasty headache and mounds of chocolate. However the silver lining on this cloud is that I learned how many friends I have in Relief Society and that I don't have to deal with my bad times all by myself.
Graduation Papers - Due by the 15th of October, I had these finished by September 30th, but gaining all the signatures that I need was like playing a wild goose chase.
With all of this happening, I haven't even had time to post weight. But in the past two weeks, I've gain .4 lbs. Highly annoying but I am hoping to actually lose this week, as I've been drinking more water.
Anyway, hopefully things will be slowing down now. *Sigh* (Hears the maniacal laughter of Fate in the background...)
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago
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