So, I am going to see if I can post this. Blogger is still blocked in China, but I've found a proxy that will allow me to look at and maybe post on my blog.
It has been about 2.5 weeks since I got here to China and it has been an interesting time. (I use that word alot, but it is true.) I bought a Chinese bike that broke down once and squeaks like its about to break. (Hasn't yet... Knock on wood.) I have driven in Chinese traffic, sharing the road with dirt trucks, public buses and moto-bikes alike. (Word to the wise, traffic laws in China are ONLY guidelines, you CAN go straight in a turning lane.)
I have been a head teacher for 4 days, found that extreme humidity works better than an iron to take wrinkles out of clothing and gone to a Chinese concert in the Pagoda Park.
Overall, I have learned three things: TIC - This Is China (ok, so I already knew that from last time, but it keeps getting reaffirmed.), With God, anything this possible (ditto to above), and most importantly, my strength is not my own. I have been blessed in so many ways, that things have worked out; I have been strong in so many situations that I knew I would have had a hard time by myself.
Anyway, I'm going to keep this short, but hopefully I'll be able to post again soon!
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago
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