So I kinda haven't written in 4 months... I apologize to all my avid fans out there, just dying for another episode in my life... *sound of crickets is hear in the background* Ok, to be fair, my life has been busy and I've finally gotten some time to write. To sum up, I'll do bullet points of the important things from last I wrote.
Finished up my internship at the Smithsonian
Went to Video Games Live at the Landmark Theater
Got an email from ILP asking if I wanted to be a Head Teacher in China...
Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.83 GPA from Southern Utah University
Got an email from NARA saying I made the cut and more information was needed before I could be interviewed/ sent them the info
Applied to ILP as a Head Teacher
Celebrated 6 months together with my boyfriend :)
Got accepted by ILP and placed in a school in China
NARA called to interview me on the same day
Rearranged interview with NARA several days later due to various circumstances
Accepted the placement in China
Turned 22 years old!!!
Interviewed with NARA
Got my wisdom teeth removed (Ouch!)
Traveled to Las Vegas to prep for my friend's wedding
Began preparing for CHINA!!!
Quit my online job (hopefully)
Got a Nintendo DS and my first DS game - My Chinese Coach (What else do you think I'd get?)
So in short, thus has been the last 4 months.
As mentioned above, in the next few weeks, I'll be headed out to China as a Head Teacher. I'm super excited to go and I can't wait, because even though this is my 4th trip to China, I'll be seeing new places and meeting new people, which is always the best part!
Also, hopefully, I'll be more active on my blog while in China, but time will tell... Well, anyway tat-tat for now!
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago
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