As it is difficult to post on here frequently, I figure I will only be able to write one post per month along with everything else I get to do here. Anyway, I'm going to try to write briefly about everything that has gone on since I last wrote.
1. I chopped off my hair. I also got a scalp/ shoulder/ back massage, at the same time, but a Chinese stylist who said he didn't understand English. Yeah, right. Either way, the scalp/ shoulder/ back massage was amazing and I love having shorter hair. It is so much easier to handle in the hot, humid Zhongshan weather.
2. National Teachers' Day in China is always SO much fun. Yes, the teachers had to teach, but we all got crowned with paper flower leis and given presents by the children. We also got to go to a fancy restaurant, eat delicious food and the girls performed Thriller for Chinese government officials.
3. National Day & Mid Autumn Festival was essentially just like National Teachers' Day, except that we got moon cakes (some of which were delicious and one of which tasted like the love child of a skunk and a dirty hobo rolled in tar) and we spent the holiday in Xi'an and Beijing.
4. Beijing and Xi'an were delightful, except for the chaos of traveling. 26 hours of standing will take its toll on you and despite the many friends we made, (including three railroad workers whom we ended up sleeping with on the floor in a tiny room right next to the bathroom) it isn't something I wish to experience again. As well we met a good friend who lives in Beijing and who is an art student there. He is one of a very few people that I ever met who are actually selflessly charitable, a trait that should be more common in these days.
5. The Chinese symbol for marriage keeps popping up. First, in Xi'an I bought this pretty silver bracelet. It had various Chinese symbols including that of marriage... then in Beijing, I found a cross-stitch pattern with the same symbol (I ended up buying it). Then on the train home to Guangzhou, I saw a rice pot that one of the couples in my compartment had... and the symbol for marriage was on it. Finally, yesterday, I walk into one of the classrooms and the Chinese teacher there is showing off a little red book, which ends up being her marriage certificate... with that same symbol on it. Now my roommate has informed that she has told several people at the school that I am getting married next year... Aiyo...
6. I'm buying a wedding dress in China. It is cheaper here and I can get it hand made to my size and style. LET THE PEANUT GALLERY OPEN NOW...
7. Recently, I have become addicted to cross-stitching. Turns out it is a huge hobby here in China and I have made many friends as well as gained the respect of many people because I cross-stitch.
Other than that, life has been pretty normal. I'm enjoying China and I know I will miss everyone here dearly when I head back home. But for now, I will enjoy every moment as much as I can. :)
Three reasons to start weightlifting to lose weight
7 months ago