Saturday, September 13, 2008

Because Everybody Wants You

Ok, so I am listening to SheDaisy right now and I can't come up with a decent blog title... Life has been pretty busy, making me crave playing the Sims 2 and writing stories when I should be writing a thesis paper and reading articles for school. Anyway, in spite of everything, here is my weekly weigh-in.

My Weight: 184.6 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 9.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I gained. I'm not too upset, I've been lacking in the whole drinking water department and eating too much homemade fudge... Back to basics. Hopefully next week will be better!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 26.6 lbs to lose.)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One Person, One Chance, Who?

So I just read my friend Heather's latest blog post and as I was reading, I was inspired. I usually don't copy what other people have posted for my own blog (actually I never have) but this was a fascinating topic. One in which I love to think about.
So here is the link to her blog, it is fascinating:

And now, I will list those people who I would love to meet, whether they be dead or alive, real or unreal:

Yes, I know that this is the Westernized version of his name, but he has always fascinated me since I began playing Age of Empires. He is one of the few Muslims during the Crusades who actually tried for peace between those of his own faith and Christians.

Elizabeth I
She has an era named after her. It was a time of wonderful English literature. She ruled as a woman in a man's world. She officially rocks in my book.

William Shakespeare
Great plays, cool sonnets, mysterious life. What more could one want? I would love to see where he got his ideas from and see if he actually did write the plays that are accredited to him.

Chairman Mao
Sure, he may try to kill me for being an American, but what in a person's life would cause them to eventually cause the mass murder of 30 million+ of their fellow countrymen and set the country back technologically for decades?

Madeleine L'Engle
I've always loved her books. I'd love to pick her brain for how she came up with so many cool fantasy settings.

That's as many as I can think of right now, but I will probably add more in the future. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another week passes me by...

I have to go up to BrianHead Ski Resort this weekend for a mandatory activity, so my weight post and weekly review will be early this week.
First, weight:
My Weight: 182.8 lbs
How much I have lost so far: 11.6 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I actually lost this week! Considered how I weighed in the evening, instead of in the morning like I usually do, I am surprised and happy. This means that I probably lost more than the scale measured as weight can fluctuate between morning and evening. Also, the Weight Watchers I go to is doing this new thing in which for every pound I lose between a certain period of time, 25 cents goes to feed starving kids in... St. George. So basically every pound of food that I don't eat, is a pound of food that starving kids in St. George get to eat. Considering this, I have a feeling that I will be losing a good chunk of weight during the next few weeks - all for the starving kids of St. George!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs. by December 12th (which means I have 24.8 lbs to lose.)

In other news, another week has passed. It's crazy. 14 more weeks until the semester is over! That's just... that's just crazy!
Seriously, though, I can't believe it is Friday (and of course I've haven't done my homework for my classes today, at least for my Non-Western Lit class.) I get to go up to Brian Head Ski Resort and mingle with other people involved in the political system of SUU... Can't you feel my excitement??? ;)
So this week has gone pretty well, but then again it was a 4 day week, so that was nice. Also, I've decided to take up martial arts again. This may be short lived or it may end up lasting. But it did feel nice to be able to stretch my body again and work up a good sweat.