Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28th, 2008 - A day to remember!

Not really, but I'm rushing to create this post before the library closes in 10 minutes. Ready, Set, Go!

My weight:190.8
How Much I've lost so far: 3.2 lbs.
Anything else that is important: ... I've started biking to work now. Curse you, $4.00 gas!!!
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 32.8 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: 4th of July is Friday. Whoopee! (Sarcasm intended.) I plan on doing nothing. So maybe I won't have the usual temptation that I do during holidays.

In summary, I am beginning to be annoyed at myself on this front. I've done WeightWatchers for 7 weeks now and I've lost 3.2 lbs. (Mostly because of the chaos factor.) But I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever get to 158 by December.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

21 and Loving it... I Think.

So today is my birthday. Woot! Woot! As the title suggests, I am turning 21 today. And no, I'm not going to get drunk to celebrate it as so many people do. I'm hoping to go to Chinatown and maybe buy new clothes (consignment store), and on the off chance, I end up having time left over before I have to go back home, I'm going to see if I can get my hair dyed black and maybe have a wild red streak down the side. (See, that's me getting wild.) Even if I don't get it done today, I will probably at one point or another dye my hair black or auburn. My hair naturally highlights red instead of blonde, so I could get away with auburn tresses. Also, my mother's hair is naturally black. So I have the genetic composition to technically have black hair. Anyway, I digress.
The main thing is that today is my birthday and I plan on enjoying it!

Friday, June 20, 2008

So far, so good!

As I promised myself, I am going to put up my stats, as concerning my weight loss.

My weight:190.6
How Much I've lost so far: 3.4 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I've been drinking a lot more liquids, particularly water and fruit juice ( but not the sugared up versions).
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 32.6 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Considering how it is my birthday on Sunday, I'm actually not expecting to eat birthday cake. If I eat something sweet, it will be ice cream, really decadent ice cream, but what I am looking forward to is eating sushi. I've decided that sushi will be my 'birthday dinner'. Mmmm, I'm looking forward to it already!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another Day...

Just a few tidbits today...
I just found a cool new group called Mercy River. I highly recommend them.

I'm in the middle of losing a bunch of weight so that I can feel healthy and be healthy. (More on that later...) Last night, as I woke up freezing to death, (the air vent is right above my head and whoever messed with the AC/Heat thingie in our apartment turned it to Fan and Cold) I got a brilliant idea: As an added incentive to lose weight, I will list every Friday or Saturday my latest weight. I will also tell my friends to read my blog and at least leave a comment saying they were here. That way, I am doubly responsible. (Both to the meetings I go to and also to my friends.) That's what has helped me in the past, so I'll try it again. Now usually ideas I get at 2am don't work out too well, but this one sounds logical. So I'm going for it.

So here is the deal:
I will put up my weight: (So far) 191.2
How Much I've lost so far: 2.8 lbs.
Anything else that is important: I had my period this week and I have been more thirsty and less hungry than usual this week, so I am hoping I've lost some weight.
MY GOAL: 158 lbs by December 12th (Which means I have 33.2 lbs to lose until I reach my goal.)
Any possible sidetracks in the coming week: MY BIRTHDAY!!! I will be going down to Las Vegas this weekend for it and I tend to eat decadently when I am in Las Vegas.

Is everyone with me??? I hope so!

Now I will return to one of the most important reasons why I want to lose weight. It isn't because I feel ugly being at the weight I am at. (Though I do have my moments.) It isn't to be like everyone else. (I've come to the realization that I will never be like everyone else. And I am completely fine with that. I love being different. In a good way.)

The MAJOR reason for me so desperately wanting to lose weight is my family's health history. Especially on my mother's side. (Love her.)
My maternal grandmother died of heart failure, she weighed several hundred pounds when she died.
My maternal grandfather died at the ripe old age of 43 of a heart attack.
My mother's oldest brother just recently died of a heart attack. He weighed roughly 700 lbs.

This is the kind of health history I have. This is why being overweight terrifies me inside. I may joke about it or be light-hearted, but I am absolutely terrified of one day being massively overweight, my life restricted. I know how easy it is for me to gain weight and how I really have to try to lose weight.
Thankfully there is one blessing, one silver lining: I can hold my weight at a good level without much trying. It is only after I let go for a while that I start to gain again.
Now that I have that knowledge, I plan on implementing it once I reach my goal weight. I also plan on implementing more healthy habits into my life now that I am more knowledgeable about my body and what I can and can't do with it.

So I refuse to give in. I refuse to feel out of control anymore concerning my weight and I refuse to be limited in my life by it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Writer's Soul

So today, I think I've forgotten my flash drives. The ones with my stories on them that I am writing. I always thought that I was only a part time writer. I mean, I work full time during the summer and I work part time and go to school full time during the school year, so writing isn't my main thing a lot of the time. Yet today, I've forgotten to bring my flash drives and am thus rendered unable to write until I go back home. In light of that news, I have realized that I feel incomplete without my ability to write my stories as soon as they finish gestating in my mind. *Sighs* I guess that's a sign then that I'm a full fledged writer or close to becoming one, huh?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blog posting Number 1 - Let's see how long this lasts!

My very first blog. They never really appealed to me because usually blog sites are host to drama addicted teenagers angst ridden and life hating... I am none of these, I am not a drama addict, (At least I try.) I am not a teenager, (Woot! for being 21 in 6 days), I am not angst ridden, (I actually enjoy being happy. Scary, I know.) and I am not life hating. (In fact, I enjoy it very much.)
Yet, I stumbled upon Blogspot and it seems reputable! So I join and I write and all is well in my life. :)
Now my real reason for writing here is because I have lost my journal. (Ok, so it isn't lost, just 2000 miles away in Virginia... I think. Or it could be in my room under mounds and mounds of books, like most everything else is.) ANYWAY, I need a place to write down my feelings, my activities and my life, until I can find my journal again. So here I am at Blogspot.
Hmmm, well now I guess I should start journaling or blogging or jourlogging? Actually that sounds cool. Now I begin my jourlogging adventure!

So last weekend was amazing both in general and spiritually. I am LDS, also known as the Mormons, as so I got the chance to go to the temple on Saturday and do baptisms for the dead. I always love going to the temple and Saturday was no different. The closest temple to where I live is the Saint George Temple. So I went with about 10 other people to the temple and I and 2 others did baptisms. Afterwards, we went to the Visitors' Center and on display there, are these statues of Christ by a LDS artist, Angela Johnson. This is the second time that I've seen them and honestly, every time, I feel the Spirit. The sculptures are of Jesus Christ and are of different scenes. The whole display is called the Healing Power of Christ. Anyway, I recommend anyone, LDS or not to go see it. Right now it is in Saint George, but it is supposed to go to Oakland, California next. Anyway, the sculpture are also online at this artist's website, I believe. So if you can't go, then Google her name and check them out.
Another thing that was totally awesome was the fact that I now have another jump start in my quest to learn Mandarin Chinese. It seems that several guys I know in my Stake have gone to a Mandarin speaking mission, and one of them let me borrow some of the study aids that he had that help him learn the language. So I'm totally and utterly jazzed about that. A similar experience happened about 2 years ago and I didn't have a chance to use it fully. So this time, I'm going to try my hardest to get the most that I can out of this opportunity.